Saurabh Haldar, a resident of Jaynagar, Kolkata, was seriously injured in a train accident in 2023. During treatment, he had to undergo an amputation of his right leg due to infection. This left him with significant difficulty in walking. The thought that he would have to spend the rest of his life relying on one leg filled him with recurring sorrow. With the family’s weak financial situation, even managing daily expenses became a challenge, let alone affording the cost of a prosthetic limb.
However, fate intervened when Saurabh’s parents learned about the Free Artificial Limb measurement camp organized by the Narayan Seva Sansthan in Kolkata on November 26, 2023. This was like a ray of hope in Saurabh’s bleak life. He attended the camp, and his leg was measured. Approximately 45 days later, on March 2, 2024, he was fitted with a prosthetic leg that was lightweight and comfortable. Upon wearing the prosthetic, Saurabh’s face lit up with joy. Now, with the assistance of the artificial limb, he can stand on his feet and move around comfortably. Saurabh expresses profound gratitude to the Sansthan for transforming his life.